Mendon’s current Zoning Administrator is Steve Ellerin and he can be reached at [email protected] or 802-775-1662 ext 4 or 802-712-4555 (mobile)
Zoning forms are available here on our website or in the Town Clerk’s Office.
Zoning violations are addressed on complaint form basis and/or by action of the Zoning Administrator. Complete forms with complainant information are reviewed with higher priority and allow staff to follow up if additional information is needed. Complaint forms and subsequent documents are added to the public record.
A property with an active or unresolved zoning violation is not eligible for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or a zoning permit and may be subject to fines or other enforcement actions as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
Please contact the town office if you have questions about the zoning violation process or the active violations. Oftentimes, a complaint received is not a zoning violation but may be enforceable by a different Town Ordinance, Selectboard Policy, or Town Health Officer.
Mendon Zoning_Violation_Complaint_Form
Application or Appeal to Zoning Board of Adjustment
Application for Zoning Permit – NEW